Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Q. When is the parking fee due?
A: Parking privileges automatically terminate if the City
does not receive the parking payment by 9:00 AM on the 7th calender
day of the month.
Q. Where do I get my monthly parking pass/hang tag?
A: The monthly pass/hang tag is mailed to the applicant
prior to the following month, if the payment is received in a timely manner.
First time purchasers must obtain the hang tag from the office at 45 North
Market Street.
Q. I received a parking violation, how can I contest it?
Q. If my key card is damaged, how do I replace it and do I pay for this service?
A: the City will replace, free of charge, parking cards that
stop functioning due solely to age (This does not apply to parking cards less
than three years old). In the event that your parking card is lost, damaged or
altered, regardless of age, the City will issue you a new card only upon
payment of $10.00, non-refundable.
Q. I have 2 vehicles, can I use either to park in the
A: The parking card allows 1 vehicle to enter and exit the
garage, and in this sequence. If you change your vehicle, you must transfer
the hang tag to the other vehicle and use the parking card with the other
Q. If I forget my parking card, how can I park in the
A: You may enter by getting a daily parking ticket, but you
will be liable of paying the daily rates as they apply depending on the
duration of your stay there.
Q. Do I get a special rate if I have a handicapped placard
and or an electric car?
A: Although we do accommodate parking for electric vehicles
and have a designated handicapped area, but the rates are the same for every
Q. Am I allowed to leave my car over night, or a longer
period of time?
A: No over night parking is allowed, unless you hold a
Downtown Residential Parking Permit at selected facilities.
Q. Are motorcycles allowed to park in your facilities?
A: Parking access equipment cannot be adjusted to ensure the
safety of Motorcycles.
Q. Who do I contact in order to reset my password for my
parking account?
A: You may contact
, or call 877-717-0004,
please include your name, account number, and telephone number to expedite your
technical support request.